Transforme as frases positivas em negativas!?

1.She read the instructions very carefully back hurts.i need to take some medicine

3.did the nurse come to your house because he had a fever?

4.Yesterday's weather was mild

5.she understood everything very quickly

6.we often receive phone calls from other countries

7.she fell in love with somebody in the classroom

8.i want to learn how to dance like you


  • As frases da usuária acima estão incorretas (se você for pelas dela vai se ferrar)

    1 - She did not read the instructions very carefully.

    2 - My back does not hurt. I don't need to take any medicine.

    3 - Did not the nurse come to your house because he had a fever?

    4- Yesterday's weather was not mild.

    5 - She did not understand everything very quickly.

    6 - We often do not recieve phone calls from other countries.

    7 - She did not fall in love with somebody in the classroom.

    8 - I don't want to learn to dance like you (Nesse caso não se usa "how")

  • Aproveite e inclua na sua bagagem de conhecimentos o Esperanto ... O Esperanto é uma língua internacional neutra. É um eficiente instrumento para a preservação de todas as línguas e culturas do globo.

    Uma segunda língua para todos. A idéia-base do Esperanto foi lançada pelo médico polonês aos 28 anos, Dr. Lázaro Zamenhof, em 1887, há mais de 125 anos. Desde então, o projeto de língua planejada transformou-se em uma língua viva, com cultura própria, mas internacional, e até mesmo com falantes nativos.

    O Esperanto não pertence a nenhuma nação e pertence a todos. A proposta do Esperanto é que cada povo continue a falar sua língua materna e use o Esperanto nas comunicações internacionais.

    Mais informações aqui:

  • She didn't read the instructions very carefully

    my back doesn't hurt.i don't need to take some medicine

    3.didn't the nurse come to your house because he hadn't a fever?

    4.Yesterday's weather wasn't mild

    5.she didn't understand everything very quickly

    6.we never receive phone calls from other countries --> nunca recebemos


    we don't often receive phone calls from other countries --> geralmente não recebemos


    we often don't receive phone calls from other countries --> falha em receber

    7.she didn't fall in love with somebody in the classroom

    8.i don't want to learn how to dance like you

  • 1.She did not read the instructions very carefully

    2.My back does hurts.I not need to take any medicine

    3.The nurse does not go to his house because he had a fever

    4.The last time there was light

    5.he did not understand everything very quickly

    6.We often do not receive calls from other countries

    7.She did not fall in love with someone in the classroom

    8.I do not want to learn to dance like you

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