Did you know North Korea is actually a paradise?

Its all lies that it is horrible. Go over there while you still can.


  • You have obviously been bored and watched the same N. Korean ( English) satellite channel I have.

    They surely do make it look wonderful. The people so happy , smiling all the time as they do their inane quiz shows and games.

    Maybe we should all go there on mass. We could all stuff our suitcases full of dried food to hand out and pics of the Queen's Jubilee Celebrations.The latter to prove that we are simple innocent tourists.

    I recommend that you set up a company with this as its sole purpose starting tomorrow and lead the first tourist invasion....

    I don't recommend that you float it as a public company as you never return.

  • Yes, A paradise filled with Nationalistic and Proud People. They train all day to be perfect so their people can watch how great they are....... The only reason why they're hungry and suffering is because Russia stopped importing goods to their country and they have no products to sell to the world like Samsung or Hyundai..........


  • Are the starving people beautiful?..when they eat grass and the bark from trees? When 30% of the country has stunted growth due to malnutrition? That in itself is not beautiful. N Korean leaders suck for letting their own people starve to death.. I don't believe it, but please by all means go to that dictating commie country and stay. I would just as soon kill myself than go to N Korea and worship Kim the 3rd. I need N Korea like a hole in my head.

  • Naa. I like america personally. but North Korea is Still Quite beautiful.

  • I'm sure it's physically beautiful - as are most nations. The problem is that it's a disaster - with an amazingly incompetent, corrupt leadership.

  • With the many who are and have starved to death it's a paradise for flies.

  • I see the quality of trolling has taken another dip. Complete fail!

  • Troll alert.

  • No,thanks.

  • I've booked your flight, get packing.......

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