Do you consider yourself beautiful?

I am doing a project in stats and I want to see how correct the statistics dove have are, so please answer and please be honest!


  • Yes both inward and outward. But I am passed having a big head. I use to feel privileged and better than the other girls because of my looks. But I am older and wiser now and I look back at my attitude and breath a sigh of relief that I have grown up.

    Now I have room in my mind to enjoy other things like my family instead on focusing on my looks.

    I still enjoy a compliment though, but now when I answer with " thank you" I do not give it another thought. I just get on with the rest of the day.

    And then there were days when I wished I was ugly. Yes it's true. When life was hard, especially when I was in moaning over the death of a loved one. The last thing I wanted was for insensitive people who knew me and would pass in the street, to comment on how beautiful I am. My emotions would fluctuate from rage to pain and everything in between. All I could think about at this time, was, what I could have done differently to save a life and the emptiness you feel because you know that person is never coming back is indescribable. It's in these moments, you grow up and realise that outer beauty is not everything.

  • As a dude, I hate to say this because I find (for the most part) the male body to be really gross, but I'm very impressed with my body, sorry to sound conceited. I was sorta like the ugly duckling that turned really good looking after like 17. But I need to work on myself internally. Not so much on my morals and what I believe is right or wrong, but I need to figure out where the hell I belong in this crazy @ss world

  • Outside- Well, random people come up to me and usually say that I'm cute. But, I'll think I'm pretty when I lose 30 kg and all my skin allergy goes away. ^_^

    Inside- I know I am. I never try to make anyone feel lower than me, even though it hurts when they treat me lowly. I like making people smile and give advices in their problems.

  • On the inside I know i'm a good person. On the outside? I have to work at it, occassionally but usually not.

  • On the exterior...I kid myself...but I think I'm average.

    As for the inside, no I know I'm not. I have some douche like tendencies, but I'm trying to fix that.

  • I call it handsome because im a guy.. i hate saying this but i do look handsome to a lot of girls.. is it even that hard for a man to become handsome? 90% of what is required is some muscles

  • Pretty- yes. Beautiful- no.

    Interpret that how you wish.

  • i dont think im ugly but i believe i need make up and loads of people are prettier than me

  • No. Pleasant enough, but not beautiful.

  • i consider myself attractive for my age

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