Gay marriage essay!!!!!! rate?

on a scale of 1 to 10, what would u give me.

Marriage is not only a bond between a man and a woman but is a bond between two people of any gender. Homosexuals should be allowed to marry because the disallowance of it violates their human rights. Our World has always been based on the fundamental principle of freedom expressed in the declaration of independence through our constitution. We need to understand what homosexual marriage means to the freedom of America. “The Supreme Court has long recognized that the institution of marriage is one of the rights guaranteed to all Americans by our Constitution.” ( Therefore, banning same sex marriage is discriminatory. Marriage is a basic human right and should not be denied to any person. Marriage is for two people who really care about each other, and if those two people happen to be the same sex, it should not matter. Homosexual just want to happily live their lives with the person they love.


  • its ok..

    if its for a school subject find case studies. if your from australia re kevin is a good case study to look at. its about how sex is not defended at birth and how it can be changed at the date of marriage. also mention all the countries that allow same sex marriage and say how america is out of date.

    im not sure if this applies to america but where i live same sex couples can be in a de facto relationship and therefore have the same rights as a married couple. just like a straight couple can be in a de facto relationship.

    so be like marriage would take it one step forward.

    try not to stick on the argument of they should be together because they love each other and straight ppl can so same couples should be able 2 as well. mention it once, but dont stick on it and reword it for the full essay. try to come up with creative ways to engage the audience to think about what you are saying and make them challenge the current way the law stands.

    good luck

  • Probably a 6 or a 7, to be honest.

    I agree with all thoughts and opinions expressed in this essay but it needs to be more informative and factual. A lot of what was stated are your opinions, if you are trying to persuade someone to believe as you do or at least accept that gays should have the same rights, you need to prove it.

    If this is an essay for a class or a project, it needs to be more organized and thought out. You should have it divided into paragraphs, preferably with an opening/closing paragraph.

    Overall, the grammar/spelling seems to be alright.

  • But "Majority" Rules has been the way of the world since we started reproducing long long ago. Good essay !0 on a scale of 10.

  • Nice essay except for the last sentence.

    Homosexuals - like all Americans - can "happily live their lives with the person they love" without the ball and chain of marriage.

  • overall i give it a 6. your grammar is fine but your language is little redundant and you say "We need to understand what homosexual marriage means to the freedom of America" but then never expand upon that statement

    its a good start but i wouldn't say its complete yet

  • It's a little redundant, but overall very good. 7/10

    Instead of "disallowance" try "prohibition" and don't capitalize "world." Also you should put your source at the end and mark it with a footnote.

  • It depends on your age and grade.

    I'll tell you have the right idea :) but you're paragraph is pretty sloppy with weak sentence to sentence transition.

    Not a very good persuasive essay.

    Also "Our country" not "Our World"

    I would have to know the assignment to give you a grade

  • I'd give it a 4. Multiple grammar errors and phrases that should be rephrased.

  • love it 10/10 give yourself a pat on the back for that.

  • An 8 :)

    You gave lots

    Of details &&opinions.

    Excellent :DD

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