Do pointe shoes need elastics?


  • yes, they do.

    the ribbons and elastics serve a different purpose on pointe shoes. the elastics hold the heel of the shoe on because it will fall off if you only have ribbons. the ribbons hold the sides of the shoe tight to your foot so the shoe doesn't bag around your arches. so yes, you need both.

  • Elastic On Pointe Shoes

  • Yes. Without elastics, when you roll up en pointe, the heels will definitely pop off. I think the worst part of a pointe shoe fitting is having to walk to the barre like a penguin so your shoes won't come off (since new shoes don't have elastics). Elastics are necessary.

  • Yeah, unless you try them on and they don't slip off of your heel, elastics are necessary. And in any case, better safe than sorry, right?

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