Homemade Parachute idea?!?

so here the deal:

-my school is haveing a spitit week

-the theme is based on the book The Hunger Games

(we all read that for summer reading)

-we are doing a thing where during every period,every day of the week, a teacher puts a silver parachute (likes thoes in the book) and it will have small gifts (school supplies, gift cards ect)

- i need an idea for how to make small parashutes to hold gifts

-i would prefer it to be something quick and easy since we will have to make ALOT

(8 periods in a school day, 4 days of school, 5 parashutes per period)

total= 160

ANY IDEAS HELP!! thankss(:


  • Garbage bag, cotton twine, rubber band and item to be dropped (or film canister, little container, etc). Easy enough.

    Cut small squares (4-6" per side) out of the garbage bags and cut a small hole in the center. Tie 6-10" strings to each corner and connect to item to be dropped (could be taped). Roll the 'chute up and then lightly attach the cord. I would make it so that the cord laid on the side of the 'chute with only one or two wraps around it to hold it to the canister or item. (the payload needs to have enough weight in order to be able to be thrown).

    As the parachute is tossed up, the shroud lines should open and deploy the parachute. The center hole in the middle of the parachute is to make sure that it will fall fairly straight and not yaw back and forth.

    These are easy to make but do try one and fine tune it before setting up a pattern. Then you could have an assembly line and make dozens quite easily. Any kind of plastic bag will work but the kitchen garbage bags would be good because they are soft and should open easily.

    Are you a teacher or an aide or parent? It is a good thing when teachers have help doing these kinds of things.

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