Why am I not into astrology?

Never was, only research about it cos am just curious and everything just sounds over the top and lame :) i hate everything it stands for and it's just laaaaaame


@Feldsomething...Am confused??? are u talking about u or me? :)

Update 3:

@Unca Alby...I totally agree and you are right, thanks for pointing that out.

@Fearless leader I bow to that comment Sir! ...thank you


  • Because you are a critical thinker and not a blind believer. To live in the real world, you need such skills.

    Edit: Part of being a believer is using insults instead of logic and reason. Astrology's own evidence should be a good enough argument. The problem is there is none that passes testing.

  • Don't worry about it. If you're not into it, ignore it.

    Except for occasions where the question pops up on Yahoo!Answers front page, that's usually what I do.

    I figure as long as there exist idiot ideas in the world, there will exist idiots who believe them, and there is no quantity of rational discourse that will change their minds.

    Yah, True Believers, go ahead and thumb me down, I don't care. No skin off my hiney.

  • Cool story bro...

    Oh, and, I don't think they've made a "Complaining/Venting About Something Pointless" category here on Y!A, so why you posted this is beyond me, unless you're just trying to be jerk off, in which with this, you have succeeded.

  • You are too smart to believe in that nonsense.

    Move on, to something with some meaning!

  • when's your birthday?

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