My sister is a brat!?

It has been getting worse than normal and now I just cant stand her.

She is three years older than me and a spoiled brat.

I can not name one time when she actually shared something. I always share my things and let her in my room and listen to her when she talks, but when I do it, she never shares. She either says "Maybe Later", "ignores me" Or rolls her eyes.

I do things she did at my age, but when I do it, she always rolls her eyes. She never talks to me anymore, and she always mouths "f*** you" when my parents aren't looking.

But when my parent's are around she always acts like a four year old angel.

She gets everything she wants, and I worked 18 months to get some rats and now when ever I ask for something, she always yells and says "But that's not fair! She gets everything she wants! She is such a spoiled brat that's not FFFAAAIIIRRRR!"

Ever since I was little she always had way more than me. I had one Polly pocket while she had the dream house, the tailor and animals, five Polly pockets, ten pets, and stuff. I also had one American girl doll and two outfits and one pet, and she had two dolls, three pets, the house, the horse, like twenty outfits, a tent, and all kinds of accessories. I could go on with this list forever.

Like one day ago, I have been working on this story for so long and she always hogs the lap top, so I asked for a lap top and my dad said I could have his old one, and of course she was in the car so she started yelling, "That is so not fair! I have been asking for a Mexican walking Fish and she has two rats and I have nothing! She gets everything she wants! She is such a b**** it is not fair!"

So you want to know what happened? She is going to get the lap top.

(And also, she has been walking for a fish that grows 1 to 2 feet for one month... she asked once and cried when they said no. She always uses the fact that I worked hard to get my rats for eighteen months. She hates them and doesn't even let them in her room!)

Now you know what I have to put up with. She manages to get all the attention because she has all A's and she can draw... But I can draw way better but I don't show my drawings. I was playing a game on my kindle and she wanted to play it so I handed it to her. Then later I asked to play a game on her phone and said "Maybe later" and then i asked five hours later and she said "maybe later."

And on a car ride, my ear phones broke and she wasn't using hers and I asked to use them, and then she said "Sorry I can't find them."

One minute later she had them on her ears and was on the internet on that weird website, She wasn't even watching a video!

When she talks to adults she always hold her hands and smiles and acts like a snotty two year old. She blinks and smiles and its just gross and annoying. And when ever I say something or ask her something or even do something, she rolls her eyes and walks away. She walks with her too short shorts that don't even make it to her wrists when she holds her arms down and when I tell her they are too short, she rolls her eyes and says, "I don't freaking care."

Just one minute ago, I was drinking out of this really cool water bottle and she said, "Why the Hell are you drinking out of my water bottle?"

And I said, 'Its not yours. Mom bought if for US"

"Nuh uh, its mine you have your own.

And she has three other water bottles. She thinks everything is hers.

"Mom bought it for both of us. I can use it if i want to."

Personally, she is a spoiled brat who never lets me do anything but she can do it and gets mad when I tell her to stop and does it louder. She has no concern for anyone else. The only person that matters to her is herself.


  • I think you need to talk to your parents and if that doesn't work a grandparent. Adults tend to listen to other adults more than kids.

    I agree she is a spoiled brat. My brother's the same. He's also three years older than me (and can get a JOB) yet our parents bought him an Apple laptop when it took me three years to save up enough money to buy a sony vaio.

    When she is acting stupid, call her out on it in a stern voice. She'll get embarrassed - especially if other people are there - and eventually tone it down. If she asks to go on your ipad or whatever, refuse and say you'll share when she shares. If she won't share to be nice and only cares about herself, she'll share if it means she'll gain something (like permission to go on your ipad or whatever). Just thank the Lord she gets A's 'cause she'll be out the house sooner than if she gets D's.

  • ok bud I too have the same problem. So what I do is not to give a **** what my older sister does. And also I dont talk to her if she acts all high and mighty. That usually gets her to her mind. It happens when she wants something I am not listening or talking to her. And then the complaining ones come to their senses.

  • okay how old are you? 10? but my sister was the same way she used to take my birthday money and spend it on her and everything she wants she gets and now im 14 and shes 16 and she still trows fits to get her way. but we do love each other i now live with my dad and she lives with my mom. and being away from each other made us realize how much we do love each other. i hated my sister my first boyfriend she made him brake up with me to date her. i would try and sit next to my dad and she would make me move. it will be different when your older. now every time we talk on the phone we cry and shes coming to visit me and im really excited i just want to hug her the whole time she is here.

  • Very good question, hope we'll get some good opinions

  • wow.. try talking to your parents about it.. if they say they don't show favoritism your have absolute proof that they do and all you have to do is point it out.

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