Message My Ex after 6 months of no contact?

I had a nasty breakup with my ex girlfriend 6 months ago. We go to the same school, we live in the same area, and havent seen or talked to her in 6 months. I still have feelings for her. Two weeks after we broke up she jumped right into another relationship with another guy and she has been with him ever since. On her facebook she blocked me, changed her default pic to something else so I dont see her pic, and took her profile off the searching page, but 6 months later (present) she completely changed her pic back to her own pic, her profile is back in the searching page, and the guy who she was with is not on her friends page anymore. I know this could mean anything, but her birthday is next month. I would text her just "happy birthday (name)" but she also changed her number. If she changed her facebook profile, do you think it's wrong for me to send her the happy birthday message through facebook? (by the way i'm not her friend on facebook either). I want to wish her happy birthday, but I don't know how


  • You can send her a birthday card to her mailing address, you should have that since you were going out with her for over 6 months.

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