Do you think Oscar is guilty?


@Brian. Firstl,,this is in the South Africa section, which in the view of many South Africans is a section to discuss topical events in South Africa, as we do not have our own Y!A. Secondly, South Africa does not have a jury system.


  • Yes ... and I couldn't care less about the trial. There is absolutely nothing more irritating than celebrities and their drama. What makes his murder trial more significant than the guys in Soweto who killed two girls in a satanic ritual? Why is this trial given priority?

  • First, this is the travel category, for questions about travel and traveling. Second, it doesn't matter what any of us think. What matters is what the jury thinks based on evidence presented by the prosecution and defense.

  • I say leave him alone.

  • he is guilty, the question is did he do it deliberately or accidentally

  • Absolutely!!! Put yourself in the same scenario...your asleep..hear a noise..burglers?? The FIRST thing you do is elbow your bed partner and whisper "did you hear that"!! Guilty!!

  • Yes..!

  • He is a monster and if he gets away he will kill again.

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