Do middle names really matter?

What is the purpose of middle names? My husband says the only purpose is for their parents to yell the full name like his parents did, when they were angry "James Alvin Wright! Clean your room!" He wants to skip giving our child a middle name.

Mind you, a middle name would be a nice way to honor a great-grandma, other relative, or special friend. pus hearing a full name on a birth announcement is nice.

What are your thoughts?


  • My husband and his brother married women with the same name. That different middle name has been a godsend to us. We go to the same doctors, etc so the middle initial and different birth dates really help keep our records straight.

  • I think middle names are aesthetically pleasing to say. For me a name isn't a name w/out a middle. It just seems to flow better with one.

    And the idea of honoring a loved one is always pleasant.

    But again - it has a lot to do w/the length of name as well. If you have an incredibly long first & last name, there really is no need to add to it.

    Giving your child a middle name is a personal choice. There is no right or wrong.

  • Well My Middle Name Is Rose, It Is A Shorter Version Of My Grandmothers Name Which Is Rosemary, So Yes, But Use It In A Clever Way Like My Parents Did : P

  • Being of Hispanic heritage, no one in my family has a middle name with the exception of my youngest brother. It's not really that common in Latin American countries to give a child a middle name, instead, the child is given to last names.

    Baby's Name + Father's 1s Last Name + Mother's 1st Last Name

    I kinda wish I did have a middle name though, so i'm planning on giving my child one.

  • I agree with Aaron the first poster. To give you an example my mother-in-laws name was being confused by creditors with her sister in laws name. Her sister-in-law was the one being reported. Both of their names are Ana R. R being the last name. This is why middle names are given. Well that and you can honor a loved one. You also have the option of using your middle name if you do not like your first.

  • I think that having a middle name to honor someone is beautiful. I don't think middle names matter too much, however, because it isn't really like 'Chloe Emma, pass the peas.' 'Amelia Isabelle, tie your shoes.' Even if the names flow, people still don't do that. I say give the kid a middle name but it doesn't really have to flow. Because your not going to be saying the whole name over and over.

  • Well I have always hated my parents for not giving me a middle My name is Julie and my last name is short, one syllable long (only 4 letters)

    So... Julie ----

    I think my name's really boring.

    My parents said that they weren't "creative" back then. *rolls eyes*

    Anyways, I think the purpose of a middle name is what you listed. Also, it's like giving the child an option. If he/she doesn't like his/her's first name, they can always go by their middle name, or vice versa.

    My mom had a middle name, my dad didn't.

    Sorry, I just wanted to say that :D


  • My mother does not have a middle name, and on legal documents she has to put her maiden initial as her middle initial. It's what they make her do. And she hates the fact that she does not have a middle name.

    So I would give the child a middle name, you don't have to yell it all, or even use it. But it's nicer to see a middle name there, makes the name go so much better.

  • My mom didn't have a middle name. She had 6 sisters and 2 brothers so names were hard to come by lol

  • Especially if you have a common surname and want to give your baby a fairly ordinary first name, it helps distinguish them from the hundreds of other people with that combination. Not just for avoiding annoyance, either - it's important not to get your medical records mixed up with someone else's.

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