How do I delete temporary folders from my computer?

My computer is slowing down.A guy once did it for me;he went on start,then clicked on run and typed in % and something which I cannot remember.


  • Click Tools at top of screen, Internet Options, Delete Cookies and Internet Files. You should do this daily before running Spyware Scan on the Yahoo Tool Bar...♦

  • You don't have to use the command prompt to rid your computer of temp files. You can simply go into your browser, to Tools, then select Internet Options and a dialog box with several tabs opens. On the General tab on IE 6 click delete files, on IE 7 click Delete then on the next page click to delete all that you wish to be gone. now, you can also go into your hard disk management and do a disk clean operation. It is simple to do. Go to My Computer, right click and choose Manage. In the Management console select Disk Clean and follow the directions. Simple.

    Now, you can obtain a nice little program which manages several items on your system with file clutter being one of them. It has a cleanup manager, a cookie manager, keep the ones you want, like for Yahoo, and get rid of those you don't want, it has a good software removal program witch does a much better job than the Add/Remove applet, it has a great Registry clean tool, with simple two click backup into your My Documents, and a couple other little tools which are essential to keeping a computer running in great order. I use this program all the time, and have been for over a year. It is free and does not take up much room on the disk. You can get it here:

    or here:

    At CNET at the top right is a search box, put in ccleaner, click go or search, and it will bring up a page with a few simular utilities and ccleaner, which is called crap cleaner. lol It really does get rid of the crap too! It is so easy to use and the simplicity is one of the great things about it. As I said before it is free and thousands of users are downloading and using this little jewel. Read the User Reviews at CNET and you will see how well this program works.

    Good luck and have a great day!

  • You should run a cleaner on it....delete all temporary internet folders.....just deleting your folders on your desk top will not speed up your computer... Go to the start menu..Go to my Computer...Go to Controll Panel...go to add and remove get rid of any programs you are not using....Go to Windows, then to history and delete all temp internet files. Also clear the history. Run a good Anti-virus program on your computer and get rid of any virues on it....Im no expert you may need to talk to someone who knows more about your computer...

    Good Luck

  • also if you want to do it the easy way, open up the internet, then on the top click on tool, scroll down to the bottom and click on internet options, then when the window opens, in the middle it will say tempoary internet files, click on delete files, you can also delete your cookies, there not that important. hope that helps

  • right click on each drive of your computer and select disk cleanup.

    that will sort most out. It depends on your software, you may have to hunt by hand for some.

  • Right click on them and scroll down to delete that's all.

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