Do Messianic Jews celebrate <span >Christmas</span>?

If not, when and how do they celebrate the birth of Christ?


I was actually asking if "Messianic Jews" (meaning Jews who are saved and who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah) celebrate Christmas, lol! ;-)


  • Just for the record only a small percentage of "Messianic Jews" were ever Jewish to begin with and some of the ones who were Jews and are now "saved" became Christians and have embraced all the beliefs and practices of mainstream Christianity including Christmas.

    Now to answer your question, some do not observe Christmas at all and see Christmas as a pagan holiday that has no connection on the birth of Jesus. Some observe all the Christian holidays along with the Jewish ones, and some only observe the Christian holidays. There are many different groups as well as individuals with all sort of mixes of beliefs that get labled as "Messianic Jews".

    For your second question, among those who don't observe Christmas there are some who don't go out of their was to "celebrate the birth of Jesus" while there are others who may do something closer to the time of his actual birth, in some cases claiming it to be at either Rosh Hashana or Succos.

    (ex christian and ex Messy)

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    I'm Messianic Jew and I celebrate Hanukkah. And no, I don't celebrate Christmas - or Easter. And, by the way, Happy Hanukkah! D1

  • Jews do not believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ.Jews celebrate Hanukkah not Christmas

  • No, we Messianic Jews do not celebrate Christmas. We celebrate Hanukkah, just as our Messiah did.

  • "messianic jews" are just another Christian denomination albeit a very dishonest one noted for its usage of lies and misrepresentation in their attempts to convert Jews. The movement mainly started from Baptists but there are other "messianic jewish" movements that started in other forms of Christianity like the Branch Davidians (the infamous cult of David Koresh of which many followers were killed in a stand off with the auhtorities in the USA) who saw themselves as "messianic jews" but started off as 7th Day Adventists.

    As such different "messianic jewish" groups have different customs. Some are very similar to Baptist and evangelical churches and follow the same holidays, just tacking on Hebrew sounding phrases and tweaking what they teach to claim they are connected to Judaism- these communities will celebrate Christmas, Easter etc; others go much further and try to look as Jewish possible wearing talleisim (prayer shawls), yarmulkes, reading from Torahs, having services in Hebrew, studyign Talmud etc. At that extreme they generally avoid the Christian holidays as observing them woudl be a dead give away as to what they are to those they are trying to convert and prevent their deceit from being effective.

  • Jewish answer: YOU are in error. They are NOT "Jews" - most never were (despite the obvious false claims).

    Many say they can't be Christians because they don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, as if that is what makes someone a Christian or not - its a ridiculous dodge meant to deceive others into believing they are Jews.

    They aren't. They are posers that dishonor Christianity and Judaism.

    many celebrate Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah and Passover and pervert all four. The mental gymnastics they go through to rationalize it are astounding.

  • Some 'Messianics' refuse to because they insist on seeing the pagan elements in Christmas but refuse to recognise the fact that the whole 'salvation' thing comes from pagan sources itself.

    Hell, eternal damnation, born of a woman saviour deities, the Eucharist, all of that didn't come from Judaism. Unfortunately, 'Messianics' don't understand authentic Judaism well enough to grasp this.

  • Of course they do because they're Christians. They are in **no way, shape or form** Jewish; they have been repudiated by every Jewish organization on the planet.

  • No. They don't celebrate because they don't believe Christ was the Messiah.

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