how is paper made?

paper needs material C wood chips, recyled paper,or both,paper needs a paper making machine,this machine can make up 20 feet high ,paper is made from trees.Trees need to be cutted to sent to a paper mill.At the paper mill a machine removes the bark from the wood. Bark is not used to make paper but it is used for other things. Once the bark is removed from the wood it is chopped into very small pieces with the chipper. They could cook wood so that it can be made of paper. Now the soft,slippery paper pulp or slurry is poured into a countainer. The countainer pours the slurry onto a large screen. This is where the water is drained from the paper.Next the paper is pressed flat into two rollers.


  • What is your question?

    I would have answered the question you used as a title in more or less the same way you did, but I doubt if I would have gone into quite as much detail as you did.

    It seems to me that questions should be presented without answers. If you know an answer you should be looking for variations on your answer or for misconceptions you can correct. If you don't know the answer you should be seeking the answer.

    Just my opinion.

  • actually, very little of what we consider paper is made from trees or pulp. Cardboard and other heavy materials have a high content of pulp.

    If you look at a reem of paper, you will see the weight and the "rag" count. Paper we use for letters, in copiers and such is made from just that, rags! Cotton rags to be exact. See the lable 100% cotton rag...

    The US is the number on exporter of rags, mostly to China for paper production

    The biggest user of wood pulp for paper is newsprint. The US is also the largest exporter of newsprint for recycle, mostly to china

  • thank you for sharing.

  • from tress..

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