PS3 streaming onto computer?

So i was wondering if there is any way to get what im whatching on the computer, to go to my ps3 on the tv? like if im whatching an episode of lost on my pc, is there anyway to stream it to my tv through the ps3? thanks.


  • Not quite when u get a capture card you also get a software install it on your computer plug the capture card into your computer and tv if you dont know how to use it look at a youtube tutorial then seperatly record the audio then you have to put them both into an edditing software(microsoft movie maker ect.) then its just edditing

  • well... i'm not streaming movies, music, and pictures from the computer. BUT

    but i bought a NAS server and stored all my movies, music, and pictures in it so then i could stream them to my ps3, and also on to my computer. and to my iphone as well via 3g (music only).

    it's kinda expensive but it's worth it.

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