Ear problem [HELP!!]?

here is the thing,the few days ago i had a flu but at the same time my right ear for some reason i can't hear well. i feel like from the inside like something like a balloon...i went to the doc & said i have my ear infected!!...the doc gave me thous treatment "AMOXIL 500g ,Clariten-Loratadine 10g tablet, Otic Drop hydrocortisone [anti-inflammatory]".

i've been taking it for the last 5 day but still i feel my ear still swollen & the annoying low hearing that i have & when ever i hear lowed sound it irritating me.

HELP! a.s.a.p


  • Amoxil is amoxicillin, an anti biotic. The Clariten is an allergy decongestant. and you already know about the Oitic drops.

    You may just need to stay on your meds longer. If it doesn't go away in a couple more days, then go back to see your doc as you may need a different antibiotic.

  • I'm guessing it maybe perforated. When the stress converted the ear drum bodily. They provide you nasal decongestants and recommend that you simply bite gum. When a general practitioner prescribes antibiotics, ALWAYS take the whole prescriptions. Don't take it handiest till you believe higher. The micro organism will nonetheless be there and can end up proof against the antibiotic. Then you are going to have a resistant style of micro organism. That's how the resistant varieties of tuberculosis shaped.

  • Same with me, my ears have been clogged and make a cracking sound when i swallow for the past 7 months, went to the doctor finally she gave me -Loratadine 10mg to take befor bed, and amoxicilln to take 2 500 tabs 2 times a day. No relief yet been taking it for 8 days now. lmk if you find something that helped you.

  • Call the doctor up and tell him your problem is still persisting. He should know what to do, that's his job.

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