will gas prices ever drop?

it just sickens me to think a round trip auto trip across the US is pushing $2000 in gas alone when in the 1950s you could do the same trip in under $200..... hell i remember as a child gas was maybe $1.50 and now its almost tripled in price.. its hell going to the pump with $60 and leaving with only $11...... so will it ever be possible that i could fill my tank with less then $30......

also does it or does it not make sense that if gas prices decline then everything else could? seeing as like a farmer has to pay a man to haul his goods to market and he has to pay the driver more if gas cost more....


  • Gas is a diminishing resource so you can expect

    the price to keep slowly rising. Since there is

    continuing trouble in the Middle East where most

    of are gas comes from is another reason for

    the high prices.

    30 years ago where I live the price was just under

    a dollar. I also could buy a hamburger for 15 cents. lol

  • I don't understand why people complain about gas like damn you don't have $60 to put in for gas ? Get a higher paying job .

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