How to dress for a party?

Well... More like a bbq. Anyways, tomorrow i am going to a gathering with a bunch of people, some I dont even know. Its going to be outside, and warm out so I would like to wear shorts if possibe. I just need some ideas on what to wear... I am nervous and am terrified I will look bad >.< Also do you think I should wear makeup? If so how should wear it?

Oh and no crop top ideas. I dont bare middriffs.


  • I think a barbecue is a perfect time to wear a sundress or shorts, if appropriate. If you know someone who is going, give them a call and ask them what they are wearing. As long as you are neat and clean and not dressing in too revealing clothing, you should be fine. Now, go ahead and enjoy yourself!

  • Party style is really vague. For a party i'd wear something short and cute and simple, nothing TOO fancy. I like simple makeup, not too much and too dark. i'd wear eyeliner and a little eye shadow. A short dress would be good for this warm weather. Spaghetti straps are okay, right? They're really cute.

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