Does Macy's drug test?

I recently got hired at Macy's and recently finished my training and my first day on the floor is tomorrow. I had a migraine earlier in the day and was out of Tylenol so my mom offered me a Vicodin she was prescribed for a root canal. I know I shouldn't have taken it but if you've ever had a migraine you know how you're willing to do anything to get rid of the pain. I'm really scared now because at the time I forgot that it was considered a drug and would show up on a drug test. So I was wondering, does Macy's drug test at all? If they did would they have told me by now? Do you think they'll surprise me with one when I arrive at work? Maybe I'm just paranoid?


  • If you have already been hired without or previously passed a drug test then the chance of being tested post-hire is about 0%. Unless you have an on-the-job injury, then the chance is 100%.

    If you go to work drunk or high the most companies just find a reason to fire you as opposed to drug test. Also I'm sure there is a probation period at Macy's. If you fail a drug test then you can claim you have a disability (addiction) at which point they (or their/your insurance) will need to send you to rehab. They really do not want to pay for that. Macy's has a very employee turnover so if they want you gone, you're gone.

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