Do I qualify for Austrian citizenship?

My great grandparents immigrated to the US from Austria in the early 1900s, they were born in Austria. They never became naturalized US citizens, so therefore my grandfather would have been an Austrian citizen since his parents were, jus sanguinis, and he was born in Kansas so he would have also been a US citizen, jus soli. Does the Austrian citizenship stop with him or does it continue to my mother and me? I was reading that the only way Austrians can have dual citizenship is if they receive it from unnaturalized parents, and nobody on that side of my family was ever naturalized. Also, does anybody know where to find Austrian census records, I'd like to find my great grandparents' records if possible.


  • No because to qualify for austrian citizenship at least one of your parrents has to be an austrian

    citizen on the day of your birth.

    And because of that you don´t qualify.

    Even if your mother or your father would get the Austrian citizenship now (because of his/her parrents) it won´t help you.

    Because fact is naturalized or not no one of your parents did hold an austrian citizenship

    on the day of your birth. (Even if they maybe could get it now it definitely won´t help you).

  • What grew to become into your father's citizenship status on the time of your beginning? grew to become into he nevertheless an Austrian citizen? Did he get you an Austrian passport, or sign up your beginning with the Austrian consulate interior the US at that element? Are you below 21 years previous? in case you have been a twin national on the time of your beginning, the flair for a citizenship declare might desire to be exhausted for failure to pursue a precise to citizenship on the ideal time. in step with Austrian regulation, and your father's citizenship, you could desire to not be eligible for Austrian citizenship in any respect. Your father (not you) ought to touch the Austrian consulate approximately claiming Austrian citizenship for you, proving that he's an Austrian citizen and you're his minor toddler (in case you nevertheless are).

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