Buy, Sell, Trade, or Rent.................?

Illmatic is the best RHH album of all time?

Truly Undeniable is the next coming of Rakim and NaS and will drop the next Paid and Full/Illmatic?


@ Nexx since when am I not that good. And when did you actually read any of my lyrics.


  • Buy

    Rent... I like your verses but nowadays A&R's don't care about rappers who are nice, they just want $$$, and you're going to have to sell out to get a record deal. Unless you go independent.

    But the next Nas or Rakim, I don't know. In their primes they were spitting some of the finest bars in the English Language. It wasn't just vocabulary, but also similies, metaphors, double entendres, all of that. If you perfect it a little more then I might buy.

  • Rent. I feel like every time i say that Illmatic is the best hip-hop album ever it's because I need to call something the best while i look for something better than that. It's a great album, but it's not perfect. Something tells me that there's some hip-hop album that everyone's overlooking which is better than Illmatic.

    LMAO @ the second question. First of all you wrote "Paid and full" instead of "Paid in Full". Second, you're not that good. Third, even if you were that good, the verses that i've seen you write don't sound anything like Rakim or Nas

    EDIT: I phrased that wrong sorry. I meant you're good, but you're no Nas or Rakim. You're not on their level. I read like 5 posts of yours, and you sound nothin like their style either.

  • Rent the 1st one

    Rent (for now) the 2nd one, i haven't really read any of your lyrics, so i'll have to check them out when i get a chance

    @ Jack: i'm watching 8 mile too.

  • In my opinon, The Perkins - eco-friendly commerce only helped the Thunder .... Perkins delivered sturdiness to the table .. eco-friendly on the different hand performs gentle and is not any longer large adequate .. If The Celtics woulda kept Perkins and Nat Robinson They woulda were given farther in the playoffs .. ! again HOW might want to U commerce NAT ROBINSON HE became the only human being who delivered skill OFF THE BENCH ! lol

  • Sell on both ends, especially the second one

  • Rent. I gotta see your skills lol. Lets battle.

    P.S I'm watching 8 Mile so I'm hype

  • I'd like to trade this along with Pennsylvania for Boardwalk.

  • Buy, although not my favorite it seems to be the general consensus, plus its pretty fukcing good

    Rent, until Talib Fiasco takes that sh*t from you.

  • NO! The Jonas Brothers is the best RHH album of all time! Represent!

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