How to naturally fade scars?

I'm 14 and I have some deep scars on my thighs for some personal reasons... I stopped cutting and I want them to go away before they are revealed. I can't go and buy any creams because then someone would find out... my family is the type to tell everyone my business, even my parents. Is there a way I can naturally fade them with anything around the house? Remedies? Methods? Please...


  • Drink a lot of water.

    Lemon Juice.

    Aloe Vera Gel. (You have to buy this at the store, but you can just tell your parents your using it for pimples and moisturizer, because it's also known to help with that.)

  • Squeeze lemon juice onto a cotton ball, gently go over your scars, do it every day and they'll fade away

  • there isn't really a way to get rid of scars. try using makeup such as base to cover it up

  • I have a scare too but try ontmint

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