My dad is diabetic....?

Ok i have 2 questions and i dont know if you can help me i am hoping though. my first question is what are the stipulations for a paramedic to make a person go to the hospital? (sorry if my spelling is bad or if symbols pop up im still a little shaking from the events that just happened). Second question, with my dad being a diabetic and all i know that if his blood sugar jumps even a little something bad can happen. tonight my dad's blood sugar was 240, heart rate 100, and blood pressure was 190/104. with these numbers should/could the paramedics have forced him to go? i believe they should have especially with his blood sugar 130 points over normal. i am very upset with the way my dad reacted and with the paramedics, but i dont know who to contact on this. if i call i hospital they tell me they cant help i need to call the AMR station and when i call them i get an answering machine. i know my dad was in the wrong for being stubborn and not willingly going to the hospital but were the paramedics also in the wrong for not making him go. and to top off my frustration it took them (paramedics) 22 minutes to get to my parents house.

I want to thank all the answers in advance and i am sorry if i dragged on im just really worried about my dad.


the paramedics were called due to his leg cramps. he gets them every night but last night was bad and it was going from one leg to the other. he was screaming so bad my mom called 911. this is why he couldnt get up and walk around. i am 20 years old to the people who asked. im not over reacting my dad has been through hell sometimes with his diabeties. he is type 2 by the way and only started taking care of him self about 6-7 years ago. i know quite a bit consisting i am at risk of having diabeties. it runs very high in both sides of my family and to top it off i am over weight as well. i am healthy but i am over weight. my mom was not over reacting she just didnt know what to do. he was in so much pain.


  • 1)A Paramedic cannot force someone to go to the hospital.

    2)No the Paramedics could not/ should not have forced him to go.

    The paramedic was not in the wrong. We are not allowed to force someone to go.

    Those numbers are a little high, but not deathly high to cause a HUGE HUGE concern.

    Your father sounds like he knows what he is doing. As long as he drinks lots of water and tries to stay on top of things he will be fine.

  • This is no reason for the paramedics. Your father can walk to bring his blood sugar level down. His heart rate is fine and his BP is on the high side. A reading of 240 is no reason for alarm. and your fathers BP may have gone up because of being upset over you calling the Paramedics. Here are the blood levels I got from an endocrinologist


    Fasting (in the mornings when he gets up)

    110 Excellent

    140 Acceptable

    180 Fair

    2 hours after a meal

    140 Excellent

    180 Acceptable

    240 Fair.

    Your dad did NOT need to go to the ER. Only if blood sugar levels are over 500..that is when he should either call his doctor, or go to the ER.

    I would have been upset with you if I were your dad.

  • Diabetes is a deadly disease and should never be taken lightly. A reading of 240 is high but not life threatening, you can spike to this level easily buy just drinking a Pepsi. When you get up to 500 look out! The blood pressure is more of a concern and should be seriously treated.

    Type 2 Diabetes is easy to control but most people are not disciplined enough to do it. Proper diet, exercise and vitamin supplements are the key. Also you have to loose weight!

    On the blood pressure, try to destress your life, which is difficult in these tough economic times, but if you have a stroke or heart attack none of it matters anyway.

    Since your father was not in a life or death situation, the paramedics probably didn't see a need of causing you the expense of an ambulance ride.

    Diabetes is smomething that has no cure, but you can live with it. He needs support and understanding from all of you. No sweets, sodas, white bread. Good luck.

  • Why was an ambulance called? And by who? 240 is high, but not extreme (I've had sugars in the 400s on occassion).

    Is anybody else at home or live nearby that is either more familiar with diabetes or your dad's general condition (someone who can help eveluate whether he is really in need of emergency attention)?

    Really need more information - like how long has he been diabetic? is he on medication? Missed his medication? Other health problems (sounds like he might have hypertension too)? How old is he? Type 1 or 2? Is he trying to take care of himself or not?

    How old are you and how familiar with diabetes are you? In other words, might you be over reacting to the situation?

    There is a lot of information the paramedics have to know to make a determination of whether or not a person is competent to make the decision to not go - he probably wasn't unconscious, mentally impaired from his condition, or otherwise in iminent danger of dying at the time, so they defer to your dad's wishes.

    As for the paramedics, most cities have too few ambulances for the population density, and if there was more serious call they were attending to in the area, a second ambulance may have had to travel a greater distance to respond to your call. It happens.

    The hospital, BTW, can not give medical advise over the phone for legal reasons. They need to see the patient, otherwise they can not get all the information and lab work needed to properly care for or advise treatment for the patient, without potentially harming/killing them.

    The firestation may not be answering their non-emergency phone because it may be after hours or they may be on a call. Some, like ours, don't answer at all, whether they are there or not, due to the number of nuicense calls they recieve (like from drunk college kids).

  • I am writing to tell you what an incredible impact these methods had on my life! I have had type 2 diabetes for 27 years. For me, the worst part of this horrible disease is the severe pain I constantly get in my feet. The pain is so bad that I avoid standing and walking as much as possible. I've got to tell you that within the first month, my feet stopped hurting altogether and I can now walk totally pain free.

    Believe it or not, I even danced at my niece's wedding last month, something I have not done in a many years. I've been following the book for six months now and my blood sugar is well within normal range. I feel great!

    I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.

  • Health care workers cannot force anyone to do anything if they are in a proper state of mind (within a normal spectrum). Diabetes is a very serious condition and you need to talk with your dad about it and what his wishes are regarding medical care. Also as a side note, not meaning any disrespect, a ride in an ambulance is very expensive even for people with insurance.

    The best thing for you is to communicate your feelings to your dad and then talk with his physician about when he would have to go to the hospital (ask for a range of vitals). Good luck.

  • OK - here is how it goes. They can strongly suggest that he go. They cannot kid nap him and I am not be sarcastic. They can ask PD to declare him incompetent or a danger to himself if that is the case but PD is not always willing to do this. You can call 911 again and hopefully get another crew who can be more persuasive, I have had this happen and had to return to a house two or three times before getting a person to go to the hospital - sometimes - they were not even aware of the trip by that time.

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