government contractor jobs after 35f/35m mos?

Ok so I am enlisting in the army and am very interested in landing an intel job. i was wondering what jobs are available on the civilian side of these mos's. i wanted to do 35L after but i heard if you've tried marijuana even once (which i am guilty of, dont judge me it was during my younger days) you are ineligible for it. i am also curious if there are any other restrictions like marijuana one on civilian jobs related to these mos;s. im sorry if this is unclear but i tried my best to word it to make sense, thanks!


  • Any drug use past what they call "experimental" is a permanent disqualification. You cannot enlist at all. Especially in an intelligence MOS. Unlike what the other poster said, they WILL dive into your past. Those jobs require a TS clearance. They don't just hand those out. If you try to lie and sneak pass, when they find out you'd be looking at a fraudulent enlistment.

  • No Snappy, lying on an SF-86 won't be grounds for "fraudulent enlistment" because the services have a quota to fill and they will want to keep around anybody that is qualified. The careers of officers and senior enlisted depend on numbers of bodies. You'll just be denied TS/SCI access and have to do a job you won't want to do.

  • Understand this: you will be given a form with a yes or no response to whether or not you have smoked weed. It will inform you of the consequences of responding untruthfully, but there will be no government spooks delving into your past. Hope that helps.

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