Is Political Correctness destroying the US?

We live in a liberal media society where everyone is so sensitive and easily offended to the point where freedom of speech is getting shut down. Why is that?


Obama banned all govt. agencies from making any documents or training materials linking Islam to terrorism.

Its illegal now for employers to discriminate against criminals because of the impact on minorities.

Army chaplains are being forced to marry gay couples.

In Seattle Govt. workers cant use the words "citizen" or "brown bag" because it is deemed offensive.

A Florida cop was fired for calling Trayvon a thug.

Schools in California have banned putting the American Flag up because its offensive to people not born here.

Do I even need to mention Duck Dynasty?

The list goes on and on..


  • Obama banned all govt. agencies from making any documents or training materials linking Islam to terrorism.

    False, although it has been suggested that our relations with Islamic counties are not helped by references to "Islamic terrorism," any more so than discussions of the IRA would be helped by references to "Christian terrorism."

    Its illegal now for employers to discriminate against criminals because of the impact on minorities.

    Simply false.

    Army chaplains are being forced to marry gay couples.

    False. In fact, Roman Catholic chaplains will not do so.

    In Seattle Govt. workers cant use the words "citizen" or "brown bag" because it is deemed offensive.

    False. All that occurred was that an INTERNAL MEMO was prepared which SUGGESTED that such terms MIGHT be offensive; there is no "ban."

    A Florida cop was fired for calling Trayvon a thug.

    This one is true, but is not a matter of "political correctness." It was concluded that a Facebook post of "“Another thug gone. Pull up your pants and be respectful. Bye bye thug r.i.p." was unprofessional and did not show the judgment expected of a police officer. I think most people would agree with that.

    Schools in California have banned putting the American Flag up because its offensive to people not born here.

    This is completely false. Education Code section 38117 requires that the flag be displayed at each school and in each classroom.

    Do I even need to mention Duck Dynasty?

    You mean that the racist and homophobic comments of a billionaire, or that people object to such comments, shows "political correctness"? If so, you don't even know what the term means.

    If the list goes "on and on," from the beginning it would appear to be a litany of falsehoods. Perhaps it is lies from the ignorant which are destroying America?

  • The Liberal ideology is a theory which holds forth beliefs that have no basis in reality.

    They are Advocates of a policy that empowers a strong government to enslave its people with a high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the working class.

    The problems we face today are because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

    A democracy will continue to exist up until

    the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous

    gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority

    always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from

    the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally

    collapse over loose fiscal policy

    A broken government can't be fixed by the same government that broke it.

  • Yes, yes it is. Political correctness is just a loophole around double standards for degenerates.

  • Yes it is destroying America, if you have opposing views on homosexuality, Islam, liberalsm, atheism, illegal aliens, you are fired from your job and spit on. Soon it will be where not only you lose your job but you will be put in prison.

  • All of islam are not terrorists.

    We should not deny gays the same privileges straight people enjoy.

    If you want to blame people then blame people who persecute and think its ok but if someone challenges them they play victim. Those people are destroying the nation.

  • Naaa I live to offend the "PC" crowd then when they cry I simply point out you have no right to not be offended so go piss up a rope. this also offends them so it's like winning a double down in BlackJack.

  • The only people who say things like that are afraid of losing their white privilege.

  • Why does offending people cause you so much joy?

  • Yes.

    When the government decides what the 'facts' are, we get the 'flat earth' effect.

  • It's destroying the way of life of all western industrialized nations

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