How to ask a girl to a dance?

I'm in 7th grade (Middle school) and we have a homecoming dance coming up in several weeks. Normally, when you go to dances here you just ask a girl to dance AT the dance, but homecoming you're basically asking them to be your date TO the actual dance. There's a girl that I REALLY like, and I've had a crush on her since 4th grade. Last year I was too nervous to ask her and she went with someone else. And btw she's one of the "popular girls" that's always with her friends and Im just a normal guy. Any advice on how to ask her to the dance? She probably doesn't even know I exist, but I'm willing to try :/


  • You should do something cute. Make like a kinda big sign saying will you go to homecoming dance with me? And see how surprize she gets. If she doesnt and says no shell regret sometime later because you seem like a gentlemen like any girl would be lucky to have you. If you do something else good luck with it and wish you the best (:

  • I've never been asked to a dance before aside from this one time and I told him yes and then later he texted me saying it was a joke...that hurt...and I think I was your age. I'm 14 now going into high school. I think you should pull her aside by saying "Hey ____ can I talk to you for a second?" Then take her away from her friends and say, and yes I know it will take a lot of guts, "Um, I kind of like you and I was wondering if you'd go to the Homecoming dance with me?" ASK HER BEFORE OTHER GUYS DO!

    Is she's anything like me, she'll say yes. And if she says no, then that's her loss! I wish you the best of luck!

  • first say, "hey, can i talk to you alone?"

    then sit her the down and sit right next to her.

    give her a little gift, like chocolate or flowers.

    then grab her hands, and look into her eyes and stay there for a few seconds.

    just blurt it out. say " (her name here), would you go to the dance with me?"

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