calc, arc length problem?

two lanes of a running track are modeled as semi ellipses.

the equation for lane 1 is: y=Sqrt(100-0.2x^2)

and the equation for lane 2 is: y=Sqrt(150-0.2x^2)

the starting point for lane 1 is at the negative x intercept. The finish points for both lanes are the positive x intercepts. where should the starting point be placed on lane 2 so that the two lane lengths will be equal? (assume the runners run clockwise)

Determine the starting point coordinates for lane 2.

OK so far I have that the x and y intercepts are:

Lane 1: (10,0) (0, sqrt(500)) and (0, -sqrt(500))

Lane 2: (sqrt(150),0) (0, sqrt(750)) and (0, -sqrt(750))

and the formula for the arc length for both is:

1: the integral of sqrt[1+(1/2(100-0.2(x^2))^(1/2)(0.4x))] dx

2: the integral of sqrt[1+(1/2(150-0.2(x^2))^(1/2)(0.4x))] dx

sorry if its a bit messy.... and thats all the further I can go! I have no idea how to integrate this. I'm completely lost.


  • You need to evaluate the first integral from -sqrt(500) to sqrt(500).

    Don't forget to square f'(x) since it simplifies the equation to the point where it makes it a lot easier to integrate.

    After you solve the definite integral of the first integral, set it equal to the second integral from -sqrt(750) to b and solve for b.

    You don't need the y-intercepts at all.

    After you find b plug it back into the original equation for lane 2 to find your y value where x = b

  • First you have your x-intercepts and y-intercepts mixed up:

    Lane 1: y-intercept (0, 10) x-intercepts (√500, 0) and (-√500, 0)

    Lane 2: y-intercept (0, √150) x-intercepts (√750, 0) and (-√750, 0)

    Second, your integrals are a little off

    (100-0.2(x^2))^(1/2) should be (100-0.2(x^2))^(-1/2)

    (0.4x) should be (-0.4x)

    and y'(x) should be squared

    1: the integral of sqrt[1 + y'(x)^2]


    Calculate arc length of lane 1, using following formula:

    .. √500

    s = ∫ √(1+(y')²) dx

    . -√500

    y = √(100-0.2x²)

    y' = 1/2 * (100-0.2x²)^(-1/2) * (-0.4x)

    y' = -0.2x / √(100-0.2x²)

    (y')² = 0.04x² / (100-0.2x²)

    .. √500

    s = ∫ √(1+(y')²) dx = ∫ √(1 + 0.04x²/(100-0.2x²)) dx ≈ 52.7037

    . -√500

    Note: There is no easy way to calculate this integral. I just used a graphing calculator that can calculate definite integrals

    Similarly we find integral for second lane:

    .. √750

    s = ∫ √(1+(y')²) dx = ∫ √(1 + 0.04x²/(150-0.2x²)) dx ≈ 52.7037

    .... n

    Using definite integral calculator, and trying different values of n, I found that n ≈ -19.9

    So starting point of lane 2 is at x ≈ -19.9

    y ≈ √(150-0.2(-19.9)²) ≈ 8.4

    Approximate starting point for lane 2: (-19.9, 8.4)



    This solution may seem a little messy, but a quick search of the internet shows that there is no nice formula or easy way to calculate the perimeter of an ellipse, let alone an arc length of an ellipse.

  • That's not too hard actually. I'll give you the directions, you follow, okay?

    So, first change the equations to parametic. This will make them is to integrate. Put limit in radians, -pi to zero. Then integrate the second one from theta to zero. Equate. Find theta. Put in the parametric equations and find out x and y

  • i'm sorry!

    i'm in calc ab and have never seen this in my life

    sorry man but i have no idea

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