Atheists: Do atoms exist?

Whatever your answer, please explain why


  • Yes. We know for a fact that they do.

    Using the latest electron microscope scanner technology, we actually came up with some blurry pictures of some gold atoms (Discover Magazine, I forget the particular issue this year).

    They're "blurry" because atoms are in a constant state of vibrational activity.

    When we looked closely at the some water molecules, they're like a sheet of tiny shiny fluid-like ball bearings constantly rolling around each other...

    Atoms, do indeed, exist, but we knew that even before we "saw" them...

    We determined the structure of DNA and RNA molecules using "X-ray Diffraction..."

  • yes

    unlike god we've actually seen them.

    You can see atoms using a technique called scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). You don't get an optical image, but it does allow you to map out an image of the atoms of a molecule. This process uses a metallic tip to interact with the atoms you want to image. As the tip moves over the atoms, it passes a current, called a 'tunneling current', between the tip and the atom. This current is extremely sensitive to the distance between the atom and the tip. As you move the tip over the atom, you can map out what it looks like using the size of this tunneling current.

    Perhaps you should look into the "Haldron Collider" which is said to create conditions similar to those of the big bang -

  • Atoms exist because of the fact a while a couple of minutes after the 1st enormous bang, all the concern produced that did no longer have corresponding antimatter grew to become into drawn to different debris of remember produced to form platforms we call atoms. of direction, it is fantastically plenty purely hydrogen. different, heavier, atoms shaped over the subsequent couple billion years in fusion reactors we call "stars".

  • Atoms are a feature of existence that are contained into `matter`.

    This `factor` has to relate towards our pensive and physical means so as to be applied into any version that we could understand. The nature form of any matter could be considered either as an application included in time/space as a tangible kind of mean or related as information towards our sort of imagination.

    All matter revolves and rotates in this manner whenever it is sorted out as a mean or when it is being treated as information by `us`.

  • Weren't the theists those who made an analogy between air and God, saying that just as air does exist despite us not seeing it, so does God, therefore ignoring the material existence of atoms that compose air?

  • Of course atoms exist -- and the issue has no bearing on atheism anyway

  • Christians: Did dinosaurs exist?

  • yep, ariel atom sure does exist.. made in Somerset in the UK

  • Epistemologically, atoms are a possibility; god is not.

  • Of course they do (science has proven this), but why "atheists" are singled out is beyond me.

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