Ba(NO3)2(aq) + NH3, does it form a PPT?

Does Ba(NO3)2 (aq) + NH3 (aq) form a PPT? According to the solubility table there shouldn't be a PPT, but during the lab I saw a slighty cloudy mixture?


  • NH3 is a weak base:

    NH3(aq) + H2O ⇄ [NH4]^+ + OH^-

    "Ammonia is moderately basic, a 1.0 M aqueous solution has a pH of 11.6" [1] so [OH]^- = 4 ×10^-3

    Ba(OH)(s) ⇄ Ba^2+(aq) + 2[OH]^-

    Ksp = [Ba^2+][OH-]^2- = 5 × 10^-3 [2] (you can find other values but it doesn't change the argument)

    [Ba^2+] = 5 × 10^-3 / [4 ×10^-3]^2 = [31.5] (!) so Ba(OH)2 will not ppt in aqueous NH3

    What I suspect is happening is that CO2 in the air is ppting BaCO3 (Ksp = 5.1 × 10^-9). It is well known that hydroxide solns absorb CO2 from the air. Did the cloudy ppt develop on standing (I'll bet you a case of beer that it did!). cheers

  • Ba No3 2 Nh3

  • Ammonia's a base, so you would suspect that barium hydroxide, Ba(OH)2, might precipitate. This compound is listed as a strong base, meaning that it ionizes in water and is soluble in water. However, I don't think it's really, really soluble, so it's possible that Ba(OH)2 precipitated anyways.

    Wikipedia lists a solubility of about 4g per 100mL water at 20C for Ba(OH)2, compared to 10.5g for Ba(NO3)2. If the Ba(NO3)2 solution was very concentrated, precipitation of Ba(OH)2 seems a likely possibility, since this salt is less soluble.

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    Above all, young girls need unconditional love from their parents. If they are not getting love and approval from their parents, they are going to be seeking it elsewhere. Also, our society needs to stop glorifying the "anorexic look" that we see in so many runway models. Young girls see these models on TV and then look at themselves in a mirror and start feeling inadequate because they think they don't have "the look". It gives them unrealistic expectations about beauty and leads to eating disorders. We also need to start placing more emphasis on things like integrity, intelligence, wisdom, and fitness rather than merely focusing on beauty and how skinny a woman is. Girls need role models who are strong and physicall fit rather than anorexic and weak. I believe Hollywood has the power to change peoples' perceptions of beauty, but the question is whether or not it's in their financial best-interest to do so.

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