Do you think a poem makes a good B-day present for your sister? Too cheap?

One like this:


You're cool

and you have never

tried to kill me

for that, I thank you


  • that is more than she deserves i think. although she may try to kill you after this.

  • It's not too cheap it just obvious you spent about 30 seconds on it. Why not write a nice poem or write out one of your favorite memories together, print it out on nice paper and frame it.

  • A poem is a great gift. Perhaps if it was a bit more fleshed out and meaningful, that would be really sweet.

  • Yea, um you might want to throw in a nice big gift card with that!! ;o) lol

    Hope you don't get kicked in the shin or anywhere else!! lol

  • Try to elaborate more on the poem; but other than that...I think a poem is pretty sweet.

  • The gratitude you express and the reasons behind it are not cheap at all.


  • Put it on special paper and have it framed then it's a good gift. lol

  • That poem is priceless! She will probably love it!

  • maybe with flowers

  • lol...maybe that and a present....

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