Do poltergeists abhor laziness?

Is that their deal?


  • I once heard a ghost story wherein a couple bought a Victorian-era house and,long-story-short,were being haunted by a proper woman in a hat and long skirts(or petticoats,or whatever). The couple noticed that the activity was at it's lowest when they were showering or right before bed and they were NEVER bothered while IN bed,especially if they were still awake in bed,if you know what I mean;) After all,it was a VICTORIAN ghost,from an ultra-repressed time.Well,they took to the habit of removing all their clothes as soon as they got home every day.They walked and cooked and ate dinner and watched tv NUDE for a straight month and,when the cold weather forced them to wear clothes around the house again,the spirit was GONE! The lesson is simple: ghosts have limitations,too. They might be alien to US,but WE are alien to THEM,as well. They scare us,but we can apparently scare THEM,too. O_o

  • You always ask the brainy questions; in my alcohol-fueled mental stupor, I'm not even sure what a poltergeist is.

    What I want to know is; if I go downtown on a woman with a yeast infection, will I wind up with a loaf of rye in my gut? These are the questions that burn in the heart of a man.

  • Yes they do Ompelle. And that's exactly why I shouldn't serve time for running around the streets at 6am wearing only my pajama top and a sweat band doing high knee lifts and screaming like a banshee. The poltergeist stole my pants AND made me do jumping jacks while that team of delightful officers tried to throw me in the van.

  • I've heard if you keep you're own stoop clean you won't have any reason to abhor your neighbor, but I've never had a poltergeist, wouldn't want to advertise in the help wanted either.

  • Not as lazy as nature. Nature abhors a vacuum, so its carpets must look likeShit.

  • I think so. But in a very passive aggressive kinda way. Like when it stacks the kitchen chairs on the counter, it means "bust out the **** & Span"

  • No, if that were the case my house would be overrun with flying spoons and books. Instead of dust and ants.

  • No, they hate Garth Brooks.

  • Not so much...most of them are just energy drink aficionados.

  • they won't like it if you're too lazy to run away from their antics.

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