How do I compress a CD?

I want to put some old radio shows on CD. My question is, can I compress the usually 30+ minute shows to get more on a disc? I would listen to these CDs in a player, not on my computer so I don't think putting them in a zip file would work.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Yes, I forgot to say they are in MP3 format...thanks.


  • If the files are in wav format you'd be limited to two shows per CD.

    If the files are in mp3 format you need to look at the file size.

    I can't give a comparison 'cos I don't have a 30 minute file to convert.

    A 3 - 4 minute audio file of about 50 Mb will convert to an mp3 file size of approx 5Mb. It will still take the same time to play.

    The conversion bitrate I use to achieve this is 128 kbps.

    The only other problem could be the CD player.

    More current CD players can play mp3 or wav formats files.

    Older players only recognize wav, usually called a music CD.

    Here's a free converter.

  • Compress the file that you put on to the CD. It will make the audio quality suffer, but for more room on the CD, nontheless.

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