Trinessa Birth Control?
Hey! Anyone get pregnant within the first couple months of coming off of Trinessa? I am on my second month being off and am having a lot of symptoms of being pregnant due for my period on Monday. I'm going to wait to test until then, but curious if other people got pregnant right off of going off this pill. Thanks!!
It is just a generic form of ortho tricycline & I got pg when I went off ortho a month after I went off of it.
diverse delivery controls artwork in yet differently for diverse ppl. in the adventure that your widespread practitioner perscribed it they did so maximum probably because it wil artwork nicely consisting of your body for the reason you want it. each and every now and then it takes a pair diverse pills earlier you locate the right in nice condition (took me 4!) call your widespread practitioner in case you dont like quite a few of the undesirable part outcomes of your pill. yet make certain u take it in case you want it!!
i got pregnant on it!