Dog Trainer's Please Answer!?

So earlier today my nan ran into one of her old friends. They got talking about my dog and how she acts. Her friend was a dog trainer and a police dog trainer for years. She told him how my dog acts. She jumps up on us even when we tell her not to, she snaps at us and nips at are skin. Her friend said that she should not be acting like this at all around us. And the worst thing of all is that she growls at my little brother. And he said by the time she is 2 or 3 she could actually attack someone, (by the way she is a german shepherd lab mix). We have had her since she was 4 months old and she recently just turned 1. But my parents can't really afford to bring her to obedience classes at the moment. So if any of you could help me with this problem that would be great! Because my dad said if we can't get this problem straightened out then we have to re-home her, mostly because my mother is expecting a new baby. So if she isn't good with my 3 year old brother now, what makes them think she will be good around the new baby? So if you of anything that we could do please tell me. Thanks!


  • You need to be her alpha. Her pack leader if you like. You dont need a professional trainer to do that. When she jumps at you turn sideways on to her, push her away with your hand and completely ignore her until she stops and then greet her. Get everyone who sees her to do this as well. When she nips at your hands nip her back by cupping your fingers and grabbing sharply at the skin on her rump or the side of her neck like a mother dog would to reprimand her pups and say NO in a harsh voice like you are really mad, you dont need to shout but make your voice a little louder than it would be normally and keep it low pitched. If that doesnt work get a pet corrector, a little can or compressed air that makes a SHHT sound when you press it, most dogs dont like it so you would press it for a short burst and give a command like NO or SIT.

    Get your little brother to give her orders like getting him to feed her and making her sit for him (he has to be the one to give the command) before she gets her food. If she is obeying his orders and he has some sort of control over her like she only gets fed once she does as he says, that puts him higher than her in rank and should help with the growling problem. Also treat the growling like you do the nipping with either a sharp nip or a blast from a pet corrctor and a NO. If you cant get a corrector then a spray bottle of water will work just as well, you spray her nose with it when she does something bad and say NO. Dont get it in her eyes or ears if you can help it though. She will catch on pretty quickly that hey, growling at the little guy equals something she doesnt like and she doesnt get fed until she does what he says. You need to be persistant with this though, it isnt something that will work in a day, it takes time. Good luck.

  • You truly need professional help.

    If you have had the dog all this time, and have not been able to prevent these BAD, dangerous behaviors, I just believe you can not fix it now on your own.

    Maybe your nan's friend can help you.

    Otherwise, for the safety of the family you need get rid of the dog.

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