My brakes don't work Acura MDX?

I have a 2004 Acura MDX. 1 month ago my brakes "froze" on. They didn't lock up but when I released the accelerator my car came to an immediate stop. My brake pedal was very stiff when this happened. I left my car and came back the next day to call a tow truck and my car worked fine. About a week ago this problem happened again. I sat with my car for an hour and then they worked again but were very soft. I had to push the pedal to the floor to stop. If I pumped the brakes they would work good but not for long and the stopping force became worse. It is definitely not safe to drive.

I don't have the money right now to take it to the shop. I am hoping that someone may have an idea what this could be and tell me if it is something I might be able to fix myself.


  • The front brake calipers have frozen. Take of the top of the brake fluid bottle. Remove the calipers and, using a 'G' or 'C' clamp push both the pistons back into the calipers. Remove the rubber boot and thoroughly clean the inside of the caliper. Replace the caliper and bleed (if needed) the system.

    Good to go.

    mmalky: 50 years diagnosing and repair of small and large engines.

    From the office of Dr Higgs Bozon: director of the theoretically criminally insane creationists movement located in the basement of "The Ken Ham Hospital for The Theologically Insane, allegedly.

  • the calipers are either froze up, the slides need to be cleaned or the master cylinder is getting ready to go out.

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