How do you capture stray kittens?

There are at least three litters of stray kittens roaming around my neighborhood. It's sad to see that no one is doing anything about it, so I'm deciding to take action. I am planning to get a hold of them so I can to foster them temporarily. I have some experience in taking care of kittens, considering I have done it with five other cats in the past.

The question is, how do I get a hold of them? They ALL are afraid of people so they make a run for it when someone approached them.

A litter of Calico's are usually hanging out in my neighbor's yard across the street.

Another litter never seems to be together. I always see gray kittens around the neighborhood hiding.

The last litter are giving my next door neighbor a pain in the butt. He said they are getting into his backyard and fish in his pond.

I want to take care a some kittens until they are ready to be found a home. Because I find it unfair that these cats are growing up as strays; homeless and afraid. These cats may not survive how they are living now. I already have two older cats at my house but I have an extra room the kittens can stay in.

And one more question! Should I try to get one whole litter or just any random cat I can get a hold of? Please no rude answers like, "Just kill them!" etc.

Sorry for this being so long...


  • i would try to approach them with food such as lunch meat or a bowl of milk i would speak in a friendly voice "her kitty" and kneel down to appear less of a threat. i caught my kitten like that he was abandoned in a bush and i got him to come out with the lunch meat, he is still here with me and is almost a year now! im so glad u are doing this you are saving their lives its hard out with traffic and dogs etc.

    if this doesn't work i would look up cage traps maybe?

    good luck!!

  • Those kittens are feral(wild) now and will be very difficult to capture and tame.

    If they have never been inside a house, be very careful as if you do get one inside, sometimes they freak out and will go right through a glass window with ease. THAT can be a mess, as in broken window and blood all over and then you have a wounded kitten running wild.

    Those cats will NOT thank you for capturing them at all as they will be terrified.

    God bless you for trying.

  • You should give them some yarn or food or water. Since they are stray, they probably don't get enough food and water. You should try to get one whole litter. They are probably used to being with each other and if you separate them, they might freak out.

  • well, if they're hungry they might fall for the classic box-held-up-with-stick-with-food-under-it or u could try to earn their trust by calmly walking closer and closer to them every day with some cat treats. To start off. u might want to walk towards them slowly and seen how close u can get to them with out scaring them away.when they seem like their about to make a run for it, toss a cat treat close to them.

    i hope that helps!!!

  • my family has 2 stray cats and one of them was the runt of the litter. She came to us, but when we realized she kept coming back and sleeping on our deck, we gave her food and water. we didn't let her into the house though. once she was comfortable with us, we took her to the vet and she became our cat

  • I know how you feel, if i saw stray kittens then i would want to take them in to.

    Try putting out a little food if you see then close to your house and see if you can catch them while they are eating.

    Good luck

  • well first u got to get them to trust you. right away ur not gonna be able to catch them. get them to see u trying to feed them. put food out for them . and let them come to you. but when u feed them dont stay around just watch them from a distance or inside ur home. bcuz then its only going to scare them away. if they know ur trying to catch them, there gonna be scared as well! also becareful they might actually be someones elses cats. goodluck

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