who do u think is my baby's dad?
My period started on sept 11. i have a normal period month to month. i had sex on midnight of the 21st and the 22nd with guy 1 who is an ex and we were workin things out. he pulled out ejaculated then we went at it again and he pulled out and ejaculated. i believe i felt ovulation on the 24th. but i had sex with guy 2 the ex before the ex on th 26th because i was mad and going through depression. he used pull out method. 1 felt bad and continued to see ex guy 1 who i really like, and we had sex on the 28th 29th and so on! i am 30 weeks prego workin on week 31. conceive calculators say i concieved on the 25th. my due date is june 17th but the doc has it in week 39 at june 10th since babies can be born from 38 to 40 weeks. is it ex guy 1 and im just parranoid because i feel bad about what i did even though i wasn't in a committed relationship with either? who do you think the baby belongs to? sorry i just need answers to ease my mind
Just be honest with both guys no matter how hard it may seem. It is possibly for either one to be the father because you were with them around the same time. Get a paternity test once the child is born just to be at ease. I pray everything works out for you!
I'm gonna bet on Door #2!!!
Though I would reccomend a paternity test as well.
but then you'll have to come clean with each guy on why you need a paternity test from them. That might be awkward?
It could be either guys. You have to take a paternity test to make sure.
you will have to get a paternity test. could really be either and the baby will deserve to know the truth.