How do I tell my mom I'm ready for a bra?

My boobs probably seem quite a bit smaller than they really are because I wear a body brace for scoliosis, but when I run in gym class (and I take off the brace for gym class) my boobs start shaking and it is uncomfortable. My mom hasn't mentioned anything about it and when I wear regular clothes my boobs don't look really big. Maybe trainer bra size. Any suggestions?



My mom is a bit sensitive with the language I use.


  • Tell your mom in private about the problem you're having, and let her bring up the bra idea. Maybe when you talk to her you should wear a tight shirt (without the brace) to show her that you aren't flat anymore.

  • Make it casual. Just say that you change in the locker and need a bra to be able to change comfortably. It really shouldn't be a big deal. I wear a brace for scoliosis too sometimes, I hate it.

  • Make it casual. Just say that you change in the locker and need a bra to be able to change comfortably. It really shouldn't be a big deal. I wear a brace for scoliosis too sometimes, I hate it.

  • Um...if they're big enough to jiggle, then YOU NEED A BRA ANYWAY!!!

    I just puked a little... :O

    Ask your mom when she started wearing a bra and go from there. List the pros and cons

  • Your breasts were designed to move. Stopping them from moving is bad for their health.

  • i would just ask shes gone thew the same thing

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