Poll...........True or false?

You have a Facebook account.


  • False.

    I deleted mine a LONG time ago.I only had about 30 close family added anyways.

  • True

  • True

  • Haha...No i do no longer....yet I do keep in mind i think of it became like 12,13 years in the past and it became my birthday,my father asked me what i choose as a modern-day and that i had to compliment between handcuffs,toy gun and a vehicle....So I chosen the vehicle and that i've got been given dissatisfied after that cuz i in my opinion needed those handcuffs and now you made me cry by making use of asking that query.....:(....hahah...)

  • True.

    Have a good night!


  • True !

    i am surprised to read answers with 'False'

  • Yep, but it's a fake made up name

  • false...i can do with out all the viruses

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