Do schools provide clothes for athletics?

I'm entering 7th grade soon & I'm wondering if they will give you clothes for track & field including shoes?If so what do they wear?Also do they have track meets?What kind of things do they do?

Please reply.


  • I think it depends on where you live, but where I live, you have to bring your own attire and shoes.

    Track meets here are competitions where only certain members participate but everyone goes for moral support. They have the usual stuff - racing, shot put, high jump, long jump etc.

  • I took basket ball, and volleyball, (after quitting both due too my lack of being good at anything in my entire life)

    And they gave me a uniform. they do with tack also! Not shoes tho, they will probably just tell you you have too wear white tennis shoes. however cheer-leading they usually have you pay for shoes that are the schools colors.

    They do have track meets (I went so I could hang out with my bf, and friends, once again, I suck too bad to actually be on the track team)

    other than that not sure what things they do. haha hope I helped.

  • Well if you enter to athletics some school make you pay 15$ for some shorts and t-shirt for a whole year after woards they make you return them & in track and field yes they do give you the clothes exept the shoes you hace to buy thoes your self & yes they do like literly everyday & they just run so you could get better at it and get used to it and its no that bad if you like to run :) well good luck!

  • With you using the term 7th grade I'm assuming your from the US. I'm from the UK so I don't know if this will help. Where I live its completely down to the parents to provide any and all school accessories.. Uniforms/stationary/sports equipment/shoes/coats.... Everything x check with your schools website if they have any or ring them up to be on the safe side x

  • I think they order it but you pay for it.

    They travel to meets all over.

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