System32\Drivers\Ntfs.sys error?

I installed a new power supply because my computer wouldn't start, and now it starts up, but I get an error message that reads, "windows could not start because the following file is missintg or corrup: System32\Drivers\Ntfs.sys." What could be causing this? I don't have a copy of my original windows, because I got my computer from a friend and I don't know if it was legal... any ideas?


  • Steps to solving this problem:

    Plug in old power supply and see if you get the same error.

    If yes, the firmware in your new power supply contained buggy code or malicious code that erased your ntfs.sys file. I suggest not using this power supply in the future. You must reinstall windows. If no, then the firmware in that power supply is just buggy and doesn't recognize the file, plug in your old power supply and don't use the new one.

    Good luck!

  • You're gonna need a Windows CD for sure...

  • Go here

    I understand you don't have the reinstall disc,but the other suggestions might work on here..

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