Do braces hurt?????????

getting them on next 18


  • Hi there!

    When you're actually getting them on, not at all!

    But I'm not gonna lie.... afterwards you will be pretty sore. It literally feels like your teeth are very slowlyyyy being pulled back, which of course is the point of braces. This should only last for a few days, though! :)

    Your orthodontist will explain what kinds of food you can and can't eat. Your diet will probably consist of soft foods like mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, pudding, yogurt, jell-o, etc.

    Your orthodontist will also probably tell you about medications you can take. Tylenol and Advil will certainly help with the pain.

    Don't worry, you'll be fine! When you're sore, just think of how beautiful your smile will be in the end! :)

    I hope this helped! :) <3 Good luck!

  • it all depends on how bad your teeth are when you get him. Im not gonna lie my teeth were JACK UP haha so i was in pain for about a week and a half maybe 2 weeks. Dont get me wrong its not a dying pain its just like having an toothe ache.

    On the other hand my brother had pretty straight teeth when he got his braces and his pain only lasted about 5 days.

    the other pain/irritation for some is the braces cutting the sides of your mouth. your dentist will give you a wax to put over your braces so to help with that.

    good luck!

    stock up on yogurt and ice cream and mash potatoes :)

  • Yes, but its more like an ache feeling -- you get used to it. Make sure you have pop-cycles, and ice cream around in the beginning.

    One thing to remember is no pain no gain. Once they take them off and your teeth are perfect it is SOOO TOTALLY worth it!

    Good Luck you can do it!

  • If you don't brush you're teeth........ YOU DIE.

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