Pagans: Do you ever feel bored?

Like you're turning your wheels in the mud? Tradition and habit are nice and all, but I think I need some more variety in oils/herbs to work with.

Then I remind myself that such things are quite expensive and your usual variety works just as well.

Bleh. I can't garden where I am right now, so I can't grow my own, either. And my supplies are low.

What do you guys think? Do I need a recharge or am I just having a brief slump?


Mare: What the ***. I'm pagan, not some christian.

Update 3:

Max: You might have a good point there.

Though I don't know that I can grow anything. I'm in another country (US military base) and it's very difficult to grow things according to regulation.


  • Nothing beats a good walk in the woods to recharge yourself both spiritually and as a source for herbs, plants, etc.

    Many things can be substituted if you don't have the exact ingredients, not unlike cooking a recipe.

    Remember it is always the intent that counts..

  • Try opening your chakras in meditation and cleansing the negativity. Or letting the light of a full moon wash over you. I live in a city so I know how hard it is to get to the woods sometimes. Get some nice house plants or you can pick up some rosewater and soak in a tub. I usually pick up my herbs from the grocery, not as good dried as fresh but still doea the trick. You can also try making your own oils. Good luck.

    Mare- being Wiccan you can meet new people as well and regardless of their religion, respect their beliefs and have the wisdom to not undermine them and tell them they are wrong. I believe everyone has the same God and just like you may prefer a different paor of pants than I do, it still does the same job. Wiccan means to seek truth in whatever form it may come. We still have the same basic golden rules, be kind to other, expect o be treated the way you treat people, ect, only Wiccans also appreciate the gifts we were given, the trees, flowers, animals(not saying christians or other religions don't, we just incorporate it into our everyday religious practices). We also value diversity, whether it is religious, racial, sexual preference. If it harm none, then let it be done.

  • One can easily satisfy the need to grow things with a small potted herb garden. Basil, Thyme, Sage and the like will all grow quite nicely indoors.

    Also, African violets are delightful for indoors. You can get them for 4 dollars or so. They are natural air purifiers. And their flowers can be sugared and eaten. Great for decorating cup cakes.

    Save your pennies and buy one new oil ever two weeks or so. Even a starving student save 5 to 7 dollars. Make a list of oils you want. Then prioritize them.

    PS: Echos makes a good point about herbs from the grocery store. Walk your neighborhood and see if there are any plants that you might snip a bit from. For instance, my area is prolific with rosemary and sage. Even the most common areas have rose bushes.

    Hit the library and find some field guides to herbs in your area. Then wander around and see what you can find. Bring a basket and small clippers. Perhaps a biscuit to leave pieces of behind in thanksgiving.

  • Yep, have felt that way a few times. If you can, get a recharge. Go hiking, camping, or something. Change up your ritual routine. Be more spontaneous.

    Perhaps you need to move in a new direction. You say you think you need more variety in herbs & oils....perhaps something is telling you it's time to move differently?

  • I truthfully went via rather lots the comparable issues which you describe, and top around the comparable time in my existence. i used to be a non secular Wiccan, with a mix of numerous different Neo-Pagan stuff later on. I left once I stumbled on myself practising extra out of to blame emotions of criminal duty, fairly than trustworthy interest. >>i assume what i'm asserting is: i don't have connection with deity any further. I say that if the belief of deity isn't working for you, there's no element in attempting to stress it. i myself ultimately got here to discover the belief of deity to be finally pointless and in fact counter-efficient to information something in existence, so I dropped it from the equation. once I did that, lots extra began to finally fall into place. besides, in case you nevertheless experience the will for ritualistic expression and/or a feeling of awe approximately existence and the universe, there are techniques of having that without alongside with a deity. I controlled to discover a non-theistic faith that grew to become out to be an excellent extra healthful for myself.

  • When I get bored it's time to learn something new and study something I haven't yet tried. Learn geomancy or I-ching or even branch into ceremonial magic, alchemy, Kabbalah, study the making of talisman or mandala. There's a whole world of exploration out there and if you simply limit yourself to oils and herbs you are simply limiting yourself. "She touches everything that changes and everything she touches changes." Your boredom is an indication that you are standing still when you should be dancing.

  • nah im pretty much contented with the pagan ways =] theres so many different varieties on how to celebrate each holiday =]

  • every once in a while i just take a break for a few months, observing the sabbats and esbats and meditating, but not going far out of my way *shrugs*

  • When your a christian, you can meet new people, help people and read the bible, its like a treasure chest. Meet people you can trust, its not boring. I guess God opens a whole new life to chrisitans. We are all His children, so if we are, we have alot of things to do. Ask God for His Holy Spirit, and the bible will open up to you and you may find out what I am talking about.

  • is this your way of pushing your "Dark night of the soul" into the conversation?

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