Does Obama now have a serious problem?

18 million spend to re do a web sight that another public agency said could have been done for 600,000. The web sight Obama funded at 18 mil to keep track of how stimulus money is spent has been found to be recording phony stats and made up figures. Congresswoman Waite-Brown (Fla) filed a complaint that false information was being put out and requested documents showing who and what is the make up of this organization controlling these phony stats and received a totally redacted copy of a contract with "all" info blacked out. Do you smell something really bad cooking for Obama this time? That sort of info is supposed to be public record but yet they are hiding it. !8 mil vs. 600 grand and phony facts as well. Obama may really be in deep do do on this one. Oh wait I forgot about all of his sacrificial lambs but then again the lambs may not take this heat..


  • I think its one more thing that makes his argument that government control is the best and most efficient way to reduce health care cost just a little harder to swallow.

  • Obama has a serious credibility problem with the American people. A disconnect with the reality saying things one day taking them back another day. Dude president, Gitmo, close it or shut up. Dude the war, Pull our troops out or given them reinforcements, don’t leave them sitting their like ducks.

    Dude president wtf is with the job summit, you just said it was never going to happen unless we have another stimulus //porkulus II bill. Dude president the Global warming bill is the biggest bunch of hooey that ever had been written.

    Bite me…

  • This will not pose a threat to him, believe me. He is protected by the media. The media can make or break anyone. They can manufacture the people's consent for anything.

    Good point though. Here's another one you may find interesting:

  • Ya, I'm sure Obama was awake in the Roosevelt room with html code and a stack of fake numbers.

    There is a difference between something happening by those under your administration and your own actions. If you want to provide evidence that Obama actually falsified the information himself or directed someone to do so, I might care.

  • All the Head of States in the world are facing with economy turn down which is started in US. (Main problem)

  • Yeah he does. He needs to learn to tell the truth and stop lying to the american people.

  • He doesn't; his predecessors did. Obama is just fixing the problems.

  • whats your point? vote for the right one if you dont like it.

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