Which do you prefer, DemoCATs or RePUPlicans?

I have two DemoCATs. One is an every color female, one is a black and white female. What do you have?


  • DemoCATs. They give you the freedom and independence to do what you want as long you do the same for them. RePUPlicans are constantly getting in your face and seeking your approval unless you aren't one of them. Then they just snarl and snap at you whenever you try to approach.

    I have three DemoCATs.

  • I don't know about those, but I have a gang war going on in my neighborhood.

    It's between the DemoCRIPs and the ReBLOODicans. I hope neither side wins because if one side wins then they'll have time to stop fighting each other and start robbing the neighborhood.

  • I have a RePUPlican who's a Jack Russell terrier mix. But he's really more of a Libertarian.

  • If I'm a fire hydrant then I prefer the DemoCATs but if I'm not the fire hydrant then I prefer the RePUPlicans.

  • Neither Justin, its an antiquated 2 party system and I am neither a DEMONcrat nor a RE blood I can and I'll raise you 1 sequestered White house , and call

  • My German Shepherd is a proud Repuplican that keeps my yard free of Demoncats :)

  • Hello, I've decided that I want to be a tree, I know it won't be easy, but I'm currently eating the seeds that fall from trees, I hope, that some day, I am able to become "Tree Man", I'll prove you all wrong, you'll laugh at me, you'll say "He's a fool, he can't be a tree, I'll prove you all WRONG".

    Tree man, away!

  • Independent: You don't have to worry about pets and you can stick to the spirit of George Washington.

  • I had a lizardatarian but he wanted to be free and ran off.

  • Not the DammedRats

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