Epidural not Natural ? I'm Confused...!?

My cousin recently gave birth as she claims natural, because her mother did the same with her. Her definition of natural is no epidural no medicine just vaginal birth . she refused to take any medicine her doctor wanted to give her for her sake.When I told them I'm having a epidural my Aunt told me that any women who gets an epidural is weak and their drugging there child,How can that be when your baby is already about to come ? and no matter if you get an epidural if your having vaginal birth that still is natural right?


  • A natural birth is just that - a vaginal birth with no drugs. It is a goal worth striving for.

    An epidural, while many woman praise the painkilling benefits, is not without its dangers and complications. An epidural may kill pain during childbirth, but may leave you with chronic pain for weeks, months and possibly years after the birth of your child. Why risk that?

    An epidural is a combination of two opioids, opine based drugs which are absorbed into your system and do affect baby. It can take baby up to six weeks to metabolize the drugs they are exposed to in labor. It has a definite negative effect on breastfeeding. Epidural use also increases the risk for a Cesarean section as it immobilizes the mother and relax the muscles of the pelvic floor which can cause arrest of descent during pushing stage. There are a lot of negative outcomes associated with epidurals. for moms, issues with back pain for life is a pretty common side effect that is severely under reported. A few moms have died from a misplaced epidural or from cardiac arrest; you sign a consent form for this. If you take in the fact that they may only provide relief on one side, cause horrible itching, can bottom out your blood pressure. For some women, they are an incredible tool that can help a woman through labor. Birth is not torture, it is a normal physiological function of the body and our body supplies us with wonderful hormones and natural pain relief.

  • The definition of natural childbirth is not medicated. An epidural is not a natural birth by definition because there is direct medical intervention. There is no shame in either method. Women who go natural trend to look down on those who don't. It's a personal choice. I wanted to go natural, but because of a uterine infection, I ended up with an epidural. It was amazing. I could do birth like that every day. It allowed me to focus on my baby and her health instead if writhing in pain. But I'd like to go natural this time around. Mostly because I want a home birth. But man, that epidural was awesome...

  • Everybody's definition of "natural" birth is different. Some say it's vaginal vs c-section. Some say drugs vs no drugs.

    It really doesn't matter. I've had vaginal births with all my kids. 5 boys. 3 were sunny side up. 2 were assisted along with pitocin. 2 I had epidurals. 1 I had IV pain meds. 2 were with no assistance until after. I had stitches with 3, 2 no stitches but I tore. with 2 of them my water broke on its own. It is a beautiful experience no matter how it happens. There will be tears and there will be pain. There will be love and fear. The birth experience is all about how you want it to be. If you want to go through the pain, do it. If you want pain medication, do it.

    I had really short labors with my first three, and very long labors with my last two. I had my kids the way I wanted to and have no regrets.

    I had women try to tell me that because I had my first two without any type of medication that I should do it again with all of my kids. I told them that it was my decision not theirs. They don't have the right to tell me what to do with my body.

  • Natural birth is one where no pain interventions are used.

    Deliveries where epidurals or IV narcotics are used are known as 'medicated' vaginal birth.

    Natural means just that - no pain med's.

  • It's your birth, don't be pursuaded to do anything you're not happy with.

    If you have an epidural you can have a natural vaginal delivery but due to you not feeling the contractions, it can sometimes lead to intervention such as forceps.

    Good luck.

  • Don't listen to anyone else. It's a natural birth whether there are drugs or not.

    I would have loved to have the epidural with both my deliveries but the little buggers came too fast. Do what you want to do, people have different beliefs and that's fine, but they have no right to judge you for going against theirs. Best of luck!!

  • Some women have the mentality that they are superhuman because they were able to survive labor without medication. Don't get me wrong, it hurts tremendously, women are designed to give birth, medical advances have allowed us to develop relatively safe measures for pain control. It's all a personal preference, and really none of her business. I'm sure both of their doctors and nurses would have preferred they had a little of some type of medication.

    It's your body, your baby, your choice...not theirs, or anybody else for that matter. Do your research and do what you think is best for YOU!

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