Is Rio De Janeiro As Racially Diverse As New York City ?

Well is it ?


  • I have been to both places many many times. New York City would be the more racially diverse of the two. o_O

  • not that much

    New York is A LOT MORE diverse than Rio de janeiro

  • Not really, you can find some jews, arabs, chinese in Rio, but most of the people in Rio are dark skinned brazilians of mixed ancestry, anyway Sao Paulo is very racially diverse, but not Rio.

  • Rio is racially diverse, but is something that ocurred ''naturality''. understand? Cities like new York have a diversity due to imigration especiality. São Paulo city is same. I hope that you undertand my reasoning and my english... kisses.

  • Rio is racially diverse, though São Paulo is more (São paulo is extremely bigger than rio de janeiro). Most people are tan because of their ancestry n sun tanning.

  • Yes, it is. Caros paulistas larguem de ser despeitados, todas perguntas no YR US que são sobre o RJ você arranjam um jeito de falar da merda de SP, em SP não quero ir nem de graça.

  • São Paulo is a little bit more!

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