Why dos my dog?

eat catfood?


  • Mine also does and I asked the vet and he said it was due to how much protein is in cat food as opposed to dog food. My vet also said I had to get my dog to stop eating it b/c it will make her fat fast. Hope I could help.

  • Mine does too - because it smells good and contains the fatty content the dogs craved when they were puppies. It's a fond childhood memory.

    Be sure to restrain your dog from eating the cat food however as cat food is too rich and will force their livers to work overtime thus shortening the lifespan of your pet (just talked to the pet food store owner about this tonight).

    Try to feed your cats on a higher level than the dogs can reach (like a kitchen counter) if possible - or restrain the dogs (either outside or in their crates) while the cat food is down.

    It's a tough battle. I'm fighting it with ya!

  • Because it smells really good to them. Dog and cat foods are made to smell like some kind of dead creature and cat food is usually more "smelly" than dog food.

  • Your dog eats cat food cause its just a smaller portion of dog food and more flavors.

  • Because like people food it is something different. Mine does it too.

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