How do you buy a car?

Okay I want a car. Lol I'm 16, and idk how all of this stuff works. Of coarse I will ask my parents, but before I go to them for information I want to get a good understanding about purchasing cars. And I know I can't do it all on my own, I am 16. But will someone please fill me in on EVERYTHING. I want this car.

And I have no idea what the payments will be around. I'm seriously confused. And I don't care if your answers are ridiculously long, I love that. Lol thank you!!


  • one of the first questions will be your age, then since your so young you will need a parent they will ask your parents credit score/ history that is the main motivation for salesman to want to even talk to you unless you come with a huge cashiers check for 20k. after that depending on you parents credit your payments can be anywhere to 120 up. depending on your car and down payment which is cash/check/atm money you have now to put up for the car down payments are around a 2300 and up then you shop/ sign/ and thats it.

  • Here is a link to a web site that has a lot of the information that you asked about. You covered such a broad range of information the best way for you to find out the answers you seek are to read them yourself. click on the blue letters has a lot of the information you asked about and if you like here is a website for car lovers everywhere. Its a website from an old car magazine hemmings motor news. There are ads for sale and lots of links to car related people places and things to read about or click and go see. ood luck haveedaaaaaaaa;LKJH

  • No need to fill you in on anything. You're a minor, so you can't buy that car if you tried.

    Ask your parents.

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