zebra daino motionless?

I recently just bought 6 zebra dainos from petsmart. the tank they were housed in was fine and they were all very active. My fish tank has 0 amonia lvls and a ph of 7.0. They just stand at a top corner huddled together, they float around the tank every now and then. lets just say they're not as active as they were at petsmart. Im thinking of taking them back because i dont want them to die on me.

I have a 30 gallon tank with 5 cherry barbs and a rainbow shark


  • Did you buy them today? maybe you added them to the tank to quck there probley adjustin to the sudden change in the water?

  • they should be fine in there with that setup. levels are good so wait it out. if one dies then take them back cuz there sick and pick out a cooler fish. id recommend 3-4 cichlids in that tank

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